DSP island

Infinite connectivity

Simplifies complex DSP systems

The MIMO DSP Platform, introduced in 2021, struck a chord with signal processing developers as a native development platform for rapid signal processing. In 2023, DSP island was born, inheriting the genes of the MIMO DSP Platform. The new module concept not only enables rapid development, but also ensures flexibility in signal processing. We provide the best tools for each development stage, such as C++ for developing signal processing core modules and Python or GUI for connecting between blocks. Go beyond prototyping to a new world with DSP island, which enables the development of new signal processing systems.

Short coding and ready to go

DSP island’s superior modular design allows you to start development in small units. DSP island supports the construction of data flow, which is essential for algorithm development. Customers can concentrate on developing their own algorithms. Accelerate your research and development by enabling you to check your algorithm in a short description. Scalable system can be easily built by simply combining modules.

Superior Real-Time Performance

DSP island has built-in mechanisms to ensure excellent real-time performance. One such mechanism is the automatic execution of the described algorithm in an independent thread. Algorithms written in the DSP island module are automatically assigned to each CPU logical core for execution. The greater the number of CPU logical cores, the more suitable it is for building systems that scale. The difficulties encountered in developing algorithms up to now are solved in an instant. Wideband parallel processing, which is also ideal for realizing multi-channel systems for video and audio, can also be realized.

Three levels of development: C/C++, Python, and GUI

The DSP island package includes three tools: C/C++ SDK, Python Plugin, and DSP island GUI. This 3-stage development package supports a comprehensive workflow from the first to the second stage of development. It is a convenient development environment that can be used for all aspects of research and development.


The DSP island framework is the next generation technology that is the future of computational processing. Put several small DSPs (Digital Signal Processors) together and you get tremendous computing power. DSP island is revolutionizing every industry and project and is a great choice for the following reasons.

1. Phenomenal performance

The DSP island framework pushes computational speed and efficiency to unprecedented levels through the integration of tiny DSP units. Even complex tasks can be processed block-by-block in parallel. The tremendous improvement in system performance allows for incredible advancements in project deliverables.

2. Simple to use

DSP island is designed for ease of use and step-by-step development. Development of the computation cores is done in the C++ language to ensure maximum performance, while connecting the computation cores is easily accomplished with DSP island Python and DSP island GUI. The comprehensive environment that allows gradual system scale-up dramatically shortens the time from idea generation to realization.

3. Unlimited possibilities

DSP island is applicable to many industries and brings innovation to video processing, voice processing, AI development, and many other fields. Incorporating DSP island into your application or project will open up a world of possibilities for new developments.

4. Sustainability

DSP island is an energy-efficient choice because it efficiently uses all the cores in the calculator. It also provides a sustainable development environment by enabling processing in small increments and allowing the system to grow incrementally. It provides a sustainable computing solution for the future, both in terms of the environment and in terms of human and time resources.

The DSP island framework is an attractive option for building the future of computational processing. Take advantage of its capabilities and pave the way to the future. DSP island extends the possibilities of computation and delivers great results.


Highly productive digital signal processing platform

To complete a digital signal processing system, complex data flows need to be realized..DSP island allows you to create DSP modules in a few dozen lines of code, and then simply connect them together. The flexible module structure allows for flexible rearrangement of processing, making it possible to replace DSP modules at will. The environment allows you to focus on algorithm development, resulting in high productivity.

Automatically assign processing to CPU logical cores for parallelization

Conventional signal processing systems require the addition of parallelization implementations for each signal processing block; DSP island modules are equipped with an automatic parallelization process that automatically assigns processing to CPU logic cores for execution. This eliminates the need to add individual parallelization implementations.

Wideband Digital Signal Processing with C++

DSP island modules support a development environment that enables native signal processing using C++, with a C++17 compiler environment that allows you to do more with less. The module also takes into consideration the integration of libraries necessary for device control and support for various input/output devices. The input/output support that is indispensable for computational processing is also available as desired.

Supports wrapper control using Python

DSP island focused on signal processing system design after the development of a single module is completed. With DSP island Python, you can immediately connect the signal processing blocks you have implemented to the system and start checking their operation.

Supports system block construction using GUI

You have all the desired signal processing blocks and all you need to do is connect them. The DSP island GUI comes in handy in such cases. Realized user-defined DSP modules are also automatically enumerated and can be easily placed with the mouse. This is a revolutionary environment that allows you to easily realize the desired signal processing system through intuitive operation.

Freely Define Input/Output Ports

DSP island's flexible modular structure gives you the flexibility to define input and output ports at will. For example, a system that handles audio streams and a system that handles 8K video have completely different data structures. Users can easily define the number of ports and the data types to be handled when implementing the module.

Unique digital signal processing system easily connected with Dante

DSP island makes it easy to connect your own digital signal processing system with Dante. By connecting the implemented digital signal processing to a modern networked audio environment, an unprecedentedly rich evaluation environment can now be easily realized. This is ideal for evaluation of DSP environments with multiple DSPs playing different roles, or for research and development as an addition to existing audio environments.

MIDI support for convenient parameter adjustment

The MIDI support built into DSP island is also useful in the field for developing video and audio algorithms. By using a MIDI controller to dynamically change values for pre-determined parameters, the time spent on verification and trial-and-error is greatly reduced. Time previously lost in iterative compilation and execution can now be allocated to creative research activities.

Supports three platforms: Windows and macOS

DSP island supports two platforms, Windows and macOS, to give users the opportunity to run their developed modules in a variety of environments. By using DSP modules compiled according to the environment, signal processing on a variety of platforms is supported.


Ideal for building complex data flows where real-time performance is important.

DSP island's core system incorporates various innovations to ensure real-time performance. The data transfer structure between modules is one of them. The data flow mechanism for high real-time performance enables a large amount of data throughput in a small DSP module.

Immersive Audio Algorithm Development

Why not work on immersive audio algorithm development, which can only be achieved by the parallel execution engine in DSP island, which allows a wide variety of signal processing to be performed simultaneously? Spatial audio computation algorithm development requires a flexible environment like DSP island.

Multi-channel camera video processing system development

DSP island's flexible modular structure makes it possible to develop multi-channel camera video processing systems. Get the flexible environment of DSP island to unleash your ideas and possibilities from the world of fixed number of channels.

Signal Processing System with NVIDIA CUDA

Consider NVIDIA CUDA-based signal processing systems for high bandwidth signal processing. throughput that would have been unthinkable with CPU-based processing.

Multi-channel digital audio processing using AVX extension instructions

For multi-channel digital audio processing, such as immersive audio, consider implementing the AVX extension instruction. This provides an optimal environment for multi-channel audio signal processing, where many samples must be processed.

Input/output using SDI card

SDI signals, essential for professional video and audio equipment, are still going strong. The strictly defined SDI standard is one of the essential elements for mission-critical video and audio processing, and DSP island is ideal for driving devices because of its structure where modules are automatically called in stages: start processing, signal processing execution, and end processing.



License Dongle mark: Requires a licensed dongle to run. / SDK mark: SDK is required for development.

Product Package


Model Platform Product Package Contents
DSP-COR-RUN-WIN Windows DSP island Core Runtime License This is a license to run the development artifacts of DSP-MOD-SDK and DSP-COR-SDK.
DSP-PYT-RUN-WIN Windows DSP island Python Runtime License This license is for running DSP-MOD-SDK and DSP-COR-SDK development artifacts in Python.
DSP-GUI-RUN-WIN Windows DSP island GUI Runtime License License to run DSP-MOD-SDK and DSP-COR-SDK development artifacts in GUI.
DSP-COR-RUN-MAC macOS DSP island Core Runtime License This is a license to run the development artifacts of DSP-MOD-SDK and DSP-COR-SDK.
DSP-PYT-RUN-MAC macOS DSP island Python Runtime License This license is for running DSP-MOD-SDK and DSP-COR-SDK development artifacts in Python.
DSP-GUI-RUN-MAC macOS DSP island GUI Runtime License License to run DSP-MOD-SDK and DSP-COR-SDK development artifacts in GUI.
DSP-COR-RUN-OTH Other DSP island Core Runtime License This is a license to run the development artifacts of DSP-MOD-SDK and DSP-COR-SDK.
DSP-PYT-RUN-OTH Other DSP island Python Runtime License This license is for running DSP-MOD-SDK and DSP-COR-SDK development artifacts in Python.
DSP-GUI-RUN-OTH Other DSP island GUI Runtime License License to run DSP-MOD-SDK and DSP-COR-SDK development artifacts in GUI.

Software Development Kit

Model Platform Product Package Contents
DSP-MOD-SDK-WIN Windows DSP island Module SDK Software development kit required for module extension development.
DSP-COR-SDK-WIN Windows DSP island Core SDK Software development kit required for core extension development.
DSP-MOD-SDK-MAC macOS DSP island Module SDK Software development kit required for module extension development.
DSP-COR-SDK-MAC macOS DSP island Core SDK Software development kit required for core extension development.
DSP-MOD-SDK-OTH Other DSP island Module SDK Software development kit required for module extension development.
DSP-COR-SDK-OTH Other DSP island Core SDK Software development kit required for core extension development.

Builtin Modules

Item Description
Builtin video modules Video Generator / Video Through
Builtin audio modules Audio Generator / Audio Through / Audio Output / Volume Control / Volume Control OSC / WAV File Reader
Builtin audio effect modules Spatial Reverb / Spatial Echo / Spatial Pan / Spatial Dist / Spatial Room
Builtin MIDI modules MIDI Input / MIDI Output

System Requirements

Item Specification
CPU Intel Core, Xeon series / AMD Ryzen series / Apple M series / (Other CPUs are available on request)
Minimum system memory 32 [GB]
Minimum disk space 1 [GB] (Separate free space for data storage is required)
Minimum display resolution 1920x1080 [Pixel]
Supported Operating system Windows 10 (64-bit) / Windows 11 (64-bit) / macOS Monterey later / (Other operating systems are available on request)
System disk type SSD is recommended
Compiler (C++17 standard) Windows: Visual Studio 2019 Visual C++ Compiler / macOS: Clang


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  • DSP island and the DSP island logo are registered trademarks of Liberal Logic Corporation in Japan.
  • NVIDIA and CUDA are trademarks or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and other countries.
  • Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
  • Mac and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions.
  • AudinateĀ®, the Audinate logo and DanteĀ® are registered trademarks of Audinate Pty Ltd.
  • MIDI is a registered trademark of the Association of Music Electronics Industry (AMEI).
  • The information is subject to change without notice.
  • In the event of any discrepancy between the listed information and the actual situation, the actual situation shall take precedence.
  • All images are for illustrative purposes only. The design and specifications may differ in whole or in part from those of the actual product.
  • Liberal Logic Corporation assumes no responsibility for maintenance of DSP island acquired through resale of equipment or otherwise. Please note that we do not permit the transfer of licenses.